Fake Tan Roulette: Green VS. Bronze

Let’s start by saying I’m not the greatest fan of fake tan! After witnessing far too many friends bods turn green after layering up their St.Moritz it’s safe to say I’d rather be pale and interesting! But I picked up a bottle of the Fake Bake Flawless for a wedding sometime back, and realised that this is a product I’ve actually got my use out of and will definitely repurchase if I ever run out.


The product comes in a spray bottle complete with gloves and a mitt which is great for tanning nubes like myself. They recommend to exfoliate beforehand (hello my Tangerine Dream) to get rid of dead skin cells to create the perfect base for your tan. It sprays out in colour so you can see where you’re applying it which makes the application very easy. The formula also adds to the ease, it’s a light lotion so it’s perfect to blend into the skin quickly which builds up your flawless colour efficiently. Another aspect of the tan I like is that you don’t have to layer it on and then shower it off, it’s instant so gives you a gorgeous bronze glow without any fuss.

Colour wise I find this to be the most natural tan hue I’ve come across. There’s no orange undertone, this product has a brown base and blends into skin to look sun kissed and natural. The lack of gold and glitter also makes you look like you’ve just come back from two weeks in the med which is always a good thing. And this self-tan does not stain your skin so you don’t turn green! Victory!


Fake Bake Flawless is not sticky, doesn’t clog pores and is also paraben free. The tan also lasts well; I can normally get a decent amount of time wearing this after the initial application and I find it fades naturally so you don’t have to spend any time scrubbing your skin with a gritty exfoliator. If you do want to maintain it afterwards that’s simple too, just mist the product on and blend in. The scent is delicious, tropical ad very subtle…reminding me of distant summer days.

So, in the game of bronzer roulette? Your safe bet is on Fake Bake Flawless. Bronze rules Green every time!

Have you tried any of the Fake Bake bronzers before?